bright flowered jeans

One of the really cool things about embroidery art is that it can be made seasonal. You can look really great and celebrate the season with beautifully tailored spring and summer season embroidery pieces.

When people think of spring, they think of flowers! Blossoms! Blooms! Greenery! Birds and nests! Butterflies! Lovely, vivid colors!

Spring is a time that lends itself to gorgeous embroidery art as a prime fashion statement–flowers running up a jeans or trouser leg or a tee shirt, among brilliant kelly green leaves or emerald running vines that chase flowers or combine their deep color with the bright hues of blossoms. On a light jacket that complements your outfit. On a beautiful sweatshirt for chilly evenings. Hastening down your sleeves to compliment your outfit.

The possibilities are limitless!

There’s just something about the bright colors and clever designs of embroidered flower bouquets or surging strings of birds and butterflies following a vine of flowers—that creates eye-popping interest.
Intrigue. Fashion. Good looks. Attention from people. And it makes you feel good, in the ambiance of spring. In fact, it’s sort of a way that you can take spring everywhere you go!

  – Terrie Ray