Wedding Products & Designs

Celebrate Your Wedding Day Forever!

Each of these gorgeous wedding hoops will create a permanent remembrance of your enduring devotion to each other on your most special day!

These decorative hoops are REALLY GREAT FOR GIFTS too! Be the thoughtful person who presents the
distinctive wedding couple with this very special present! Every time they look at it, they’ll remember their wedding day—and you!

IT’S YOUR CHOICE! Make this your unique, exceptional, and distinctive reminder of this, your most wonderful
day! Wedding hoops can be ordered with the colors of your choice, and as space permits, messages that express
your joy YOUR way.

ALSO–further ornamentation can be attached–faux flowers, ribbons, or other colorful items can be affixed to the hoop. See the lower pictures as examples! Call Terrie at 720-209-5402 to discuss your additional embellishment or ideas to make your wedding hoop the most beautiful it can be!

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Wedding Hoop, Rings/Forever

Wedding Hoop, Rings Forever

Wedding rings symbolize undying commitment and eternal love for each other. This beautiful wedding hoop will always remind you of the day you said your vows and commemorated your unique and special love before the

Wedding Hoop, Wedding Bells

Wedding bells signify your everlasting mutual love, heralded far and near. This hoop celebrates the sacredness and joy of your most precious and momentous of days. Your pleasure will be renewed each time you see these bells — a reminder of the most beautiful day of your life!

Wedding Hoop/Wedding Bells

Wedding Hoop, Birds In Love

Wedding Hoop, Birds In Love

This most charming and colorful hoop, commemorative of wedding, Valentine’s Day, or just any day, is a wonderful reminder of the preciousness of your love. How sweet love really can be. Set on a beautiful semi-circle of flowers, these precious love-birds will remind you again and again of your most treasured love!

Wedding Hoop, Wedding Bells with Flowers

Wedding Hoop, Wedding Bells With Flowers

Wedding Hoop, Birds In Love With Flowers


Wedding Hoop/Birds In Love with Flowers


Wedding Hoops

Wedding rings symbolize undying commitment and eternal love for each other. This beautiful wedding hoop will always remind you of the day you said your vows and commemorated your unique and special love before the

Choose this remembrance of your most special day, or give this to someone you love on their special day!

These gorgeous wedding hoops are made with 6 in. diameter unstained wooden hoops; the back panel is
made for the hoop and stays in place. The embroidery is made to fit the size and can be done in any
colors you choose!

Call to discuss your favorite design and order!

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